Privacy Policy


This privacy policy ("this policy") explains who we are, how we collect, share and use your personal information, and how you can keep your right to privacy. This Privacy Policy applies only to personal information that we collect through all of the services offered on our JetsenShort App.


Your agreement to this Policy or continued use of the JetsenShort App services will be deemed to be consent and authorization for us to collect, use, store and process your personal information in accordance with this Policy. We may update this Policy from time to time and will notify you in one or more ways such as push notifications, announcements or pop-ups.


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and fully understand it before using our services. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us by using the contact information provided at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


I. What personal data we collect and process about you

II. Use of your personal information

III. With whom we share your personal information

IV. Use of cookies and similar technologies

V. Protecting the security of your personal information

VI. International data transmission

VII. How long your personal information is retained

VIII. Your data protection rights

IX. Information relating to children

X. Updates to this Privacy Policy

XI. How to contact us


I. What personal information we collect and process about you

1. Information you voluntarily provide

Certain parts of our service may require you to voluntarily provide personal information. For example, we may ask you to provide your contact information in order to register an account with us. The personal information you are being asked to provide, and the reasons why you are being asked to provide it, will be explained to you at the time we ask you to provide your personal information.


You may register as a user of our Services, please note that registration is not a prerequisite for using our Services. When you register and log in to your JetsenShort account, you will be required to follow the steps instructed to complete a series of registration procedures. During this process, you will be required to provide us with device information, and we will generate your user ID on JetsenShort App. We collect this information in order to provide account registration and login services, protect your account, and prevent security risks.


2. Information we collect automatically

(1) We may automatically collect certain information from your device when you use our Services. In some cases, our use of your personal information may result in making automated decisions (including learning about your preferences and adjust the video providing based on your expressed viewing preferences).


(2) Security, administration and management of JetsenShort App platform.

When providing you with our services, we automatically collect information about your device (including hardware model, operating system version, MAC address, network device hardware address, unique device identifier, IP address, software version, network access methods and types, network quality data, operating logs, usage and services, device name, system language) and your IP address, your applications crash messages, your login times and attempts, and your behavioral information. We collect this information to:

(i) ensure your information safety, including reviewing content, messages and related metadata for violations of our Platform User Code of Conduct and other inappropriate content;

(ii) help us detect and combat abuse, harmful activity, fraud, spam and illegal activity on the JetsenShort App;

(ii) to analyze and test data on the App to ensure the stability and security of the App;

(iv) provide you with user support;


(3) Data Analysis

When you enter a term to for searching videos, we will analyze your searching terms and searching logs among other users of our service so that we can find the video for you. Please be assured that your searching terms will not be disclosed to anyone in our analysis, and you have the option to remove the search terms.


(4) Video Display and Playback

You can use video display and playback on JetsenShort App, and we collect information about your device, including your IP address, device type, device name, common unique identifier, operating system, language settings, app version, and your behavioral information to record where you pause on a particular video.


3. Information we obtain from third party sources

(1) Occasionally, we may receive Personal Information about you from third-party sources (including certain SDK providers who log potential IP addresses or device IDs that are identified as potentially being of security concern if such IP addresses or device IDs have been used to launch a cybersecurity attack). Before we receive the information about you, our specialized information security team will enhance the security of personal Information (including reporting of sensitive information, encrypted storage of sensitive information, access control, etc.).


(2) You understand that maintaining the operation of the JetsenShort App and the security of our Services is an important and legitimate interest for us. If it is necessary, we may communicate with you in order to provide you with our Services and to safeguard our legitimate interests business interests, In some cases, we may also be legally obliged to collect personal information from you or may need it to protect your vital interests or those of others.


II. Use of your personal information

1. We will use the information we collect about you in the following ways:

(1) enforcing our terms, conditions and policies;

(2) providing, processing, maintaining, developing and improving our services;

(3) the content you receive;

(4) to communicate with you, including sending commercial promotional information, notices of operational activities and updating agreements;

(5) ensuring your safety and security, including reviewing user content, messages and related data for violations of our community policies and other inappropriate content;

(6) to provide you with location-based services (if these services are available in your jurisdiction);

(7) conducting market research and trend analysis, as well as aggregate statistics, data analysis, processing and surveys related to our Services.


2. In general, we will only use the personal information we collect from you for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or for the purposes we explain to you at the time we collect your personal information. However, where lawfully permitted, we may also use your personal information for other purposes that do not conflict with the purposes for which we have disclosed it to you (e.g. archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes).


III. With whom we share your personal information

1. You can share your personal information or other information with any third party (including unspecified party) based on our services. For example, when you use the sharing function of our Services, you can choose a social media App (such as Facebook, etc.) or other applications to share relevant information. The information you share with any third party app will be controlled and processed by that third party, subject to its terms of service and privacy policy. You shall be solely responsible for any disclosure, misuse or the like resulting from your sharing and we shall not be liable for the same.


2. We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:

(1) Business Partners: if you choose to register to use the JetsenShort App using your social network account details (including Facebook, Google, Apple), you will provide us, or allow your social network to provide us, with your username and disclosures. If you choose to share Content on a social media platform, the video, username and accompanying text will be shared on that platform, or in the case of sharing via other instant messaging platforms or a link to the Content will be shared.

(2) Service Providers: We provide information to service providers that support our business, such as cloud service providers and providers of content review service, to ensure that JetsenShort is a safe and enjoyable platform.

(3) Analytics Providers: We use analytics providers to help us optimize and improve our Services.

(4) Any competent law enforcement agency, regulator, government agency, court or other third party that we believe it is necessary to disclose to.

(5) Any other person who has consented to disclosure by you.


IV. Use of cookies and similar technologies

1. We and our service providers may use cookies and other technologies (e.g., web beacons, flash cookies, etc.) ("cookies") to automatically collect information, measure and analyze what pages you click on and how you use our services, to enhance your experience using JetsenShort App, and to improve our services. Cookies are small files that, when placed on your device, it enable the platform to provide certain features and functionality. Web beacons are very small images or chunks of data embedded in an image, also known as "pixel tags" or "transparent GIF”, that can be recognized as cookies, the time and date the page was viewed, the description tag of the page on which the pixel was placed, and similar information from your computer or device. computer or device. For example, we use cookies and similar tracking technologies provided by Google.


V. Protecting the security of your personal information

1. We will use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal information we collect and process about you. The measures we use are to provide a level of security commensurate with the risk of processing your personal information. For example, we use SSL to encrypt and protect data; we have access control mechanisms in place to ensure that only authorized person have access to our users' personal information; and we hold training sessions on security and privacy protection occasionally to raise employee awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

2. In order to prevent security incidents from occurring, we have established a specialized data security department with appropriate early warning mechanisms and contingency plans. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will notify you in a timely manner in a manner appropriate and sufficient to bring it to your attention in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and immediately activate our emergency response plan to minimize losses. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. While we will protect your personal data, for example by encrypting it, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you transmit through the JetsenShort App; any transmission is at your own risk.


VI. International data transfer

1. Your personal information will be stored and retained in the United States and may be transferred to and processed in countries other than your country of residence. The data protection laws of these countries may differ from the laws of your country of residence. For security maintenance and business intelligence purposes and other necessary purposes. However, we have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will be protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Internally, our service providers or business partners outside of the United States have internal data transfer agreements that require them to protect your Personal Information when processing it to provide services to you.


VII. How long your personal information is retained

1. Generally, we only need to store your personal information for the shortest possible period of time for the possible duration of the services we provide, after which we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations. If we share such information with any third party, we will also require that third party to do the same. However, in the following cases, we may change the period of storage of the information due to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations:

(1) To comply with the relevant provisions of applicable laws and regulations;

(2) To comply with a court judgment, ruling or other legal process;

(3) To comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or legally authorized organizations;

(4) We believe it is necessary to comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations;

(5) To fulfill the relevant service agreement or this policy, to safeguard the public interest of society, to protect the personal and property safety of us, our affiliates, our partners, other users or employees, or to protect the interests of other legitimate rights and interests for legitimate and necessary purposes.


VIII. Your data protection rights

1. As a user of our services, you have the following data protection rights:

(1) Right of access

You can inquire or access your relevant personal information in our services, including:

a. Account information: You can log in to your personal account at any time through the relevant product page to access your personal information in your account, including avatar, nickname, ID, etc;

b. Usage information: You can access some of your usage information at any time through the relevant product page, including collection history, viewing history and transaction history;

(2) Right of correction

You can contact us to modify or change your data directly.

(3) Right of deletion

a. You can request the deletion of your personal information by sending an e-mail to [].

For some of your personal information, you can also voluntarily delete it, you can delete your personal information by logging out of your account through our product settings page.

b. If we collect, use or share your personal information in violation of relevant laws and regulations, you can directly request us to delete your personal information or notify the receiving third party to delete it, unless such data has been anonymized or otherwise required by relevant laws. laws and regulations.

c. You understand and agree that once you delete your Personal Information from our Services, either by yourself or with our assistance, subject to applicable laws and regulations and relevant security technologies, we may not immediately delete your information from our backup systems, in which case we will store and securely separate your Personal Information from any further data processing until such time as an update to our backup systems is made during the during which such information is deleted or anonymized.

(4) Right to Restrict or Refuse Processing of Personal Information

You may restrict or refuse the processing of some of your Personal Information if the right to do so is granted to you under the law of the jurisdiction in which you are located, and we will process your request in accordance with that law, as applicable to you.

(5) Right to cancel your account

You may also cancel your account. We will contact you via the contact channel and terminate our account termination agreement. Please note that after we have verified your identity and obtained your confirmation, we will delete or anonymize all relevant personal data generated by you in JetsenShort in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, unless otherwise stipulated by law or regulation. You can also exercise your rights by sending us an e-mail at [].

(6) Right to obtain a copy of personal information

You can contact us through the contact information in this Policy, and after verifying your identity, we will provide you with a copy of such information in our services within a specified period of time and in accordance with our regulations, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise agreed in this Policy.


IX. Information relating to children

Children under the age of 14 may not register and create their own accounts for the Services. If you are 14 years of age or older but are considered a minor in your country, you must have your parent or legal guardian read through this Privacy Policy with you and you represent that you have your parent's or legal guardian's permission for the guardian to create your JetsenShort account. Children of all ages may use the Services if their parents or legal guardians give permission. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor in your country, please ensure that you have read this Privacy Policy before allowing your child to create his or her own account or use the Services. You agree that you will abide by this Privacy Policy and are responsible for your child's activities while using the Services. You agree to monitor your child's use of the Services and to ensure that your child only views content that is appropriate for your child's age.


X. Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to respond to changing legal, technological or business developments. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate steps to notify you in accordance with the significance and importance of the changes we have made. If required by applicable data protection laws, we will obtain your consent to any material changes to this Privacy Policy.


XI. How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy and our use of your personal information, please contact us at [].